Launching a Car Wash in Turkiye

Launching a Car Wash in Turkiye

Car Wash: A Profitable Venture and Opportunity for Work Residency in Turkiye

Car washes are considered lucrative and popular businesses in Turkiye. These establishments not only offer car washing and cleaning services but also provide additional services such as polishing, waxing, and retailing car accessories.

Launching a Car Wash in Turkiye

The cost of launching a car wash in Turkiye amounts to approximately 1,200,000 lira. However, with monthly profits reaching around 70,000 lira, this investment can yield returns in a relatively short period.

Detailed Explanation

Car washes in Turkiye are highly appealing due to the public’s reception towards professional car cleaning services. By offering diverse services like polishing and waxing, these car washes have managed to attract a broader customer base.

Among the other advantages of this business activity is the opportunity for obtaining work residency. This stands as a significant opportunity for foreign investors looking to expand their business ventures in Turkiye.

Ultimately, considering the startup cost and monthly returns, car washes emerge as an attractive investment option in Turkiye, providing not only a chance for profitability but also an opportunity for acquiring work residency.

For further information on setting up a car wash in Turkiye or initiating any other business venture, contact the Business Development Department at “With Us” conglomerate.

We specialize in providing comprehensive insights and guidance for launching businesses in various sectors, including the car wash industry. Our team is equipped to offer detailed assistance, navigating through the intricacies of establishing and managing your venture in Turkiye.

Reach out to us for expert advice and tailored solutions that cater to your specific business goals and aspirations. Whether it’s about market research, regulatory requirements, or operational strategies, our department is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs in their journey towards successful business establishment and growth in Turkiye.

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